Hi! My name is Boukje and I am currently Professor for Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Culture at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany. My research focuses on organizing practices in the arts and other creative settings, with a specific interest in how organizations come into being. I have a specific interest in the role of space and materiality in bringing new social collectives into being, and like to use a relational lens to study how social phenomena such as organizations are maintained through practice. Different research projects have brought me to investigate creative hubs, art performances, coworking spaces, and start-up accelerators. What unites these different settings is an interest in the novel or the unexpected, as well as a necessity to work with limited resources. Over the years, my research has been published in journals such as Organization Studies, Human Relations, Creativity and Innovation Management, and the Journal of Organizational Ethnography.
I completed a PhD in Management from Tilburg University (the Netherlands) and was previously Junior Professor for Cultural Entrepreneurship and post-doctoral researcher at the Chair for Sociology of Organization and Culture (both at Leuphana University). I studied Humanities and Cultural Studies at The London Consortium at Birkbeck College (London, UK) and spent a few months as a visiting doctoral researcher at the Management School of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) in Montréal, Canada.
Before becoming an academic researcher, I worked in journalism and arts education. I continue to work as an art critic from time to time and sometimes conduct research or offer workshops for cultural institutions and other organizations. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to work with me or have any questions about my research or teaching.